F&S established, and is growing, a window washing team that strategically cleans windows at approximately 270 campus buildings.

“We are excited to grow the team and add a significant new service that will beautify campus buildings,” said Pete Varney, director of Transportation & Building Services. Varney said it had been over 10 years since this type of work has been done regularly on campus. “It shows a lot to current students, potential students, parents, donors and community members that if they see clean, shiny glass and doors, that shows professionalism and care for our facilities. By extension, it shows a care for them.”
Foreperson Joe Perkins said he’s already hearing positive feedback from campus building and facility managers.

Crews clean outside windows during warmer months, and move to inside panes when colder weather comes. The most comprehensive safety measures are taken, particularly for those above ground windows accessed by cranes. Varney estimates it will take three years to fully get through every building on campus.
“We’re excited for this internally,” Varney said. “We want to see campus looking good, and this goes a long way.”

The renewed focus of these teams will immediately enhance the appearance of facilities and improve the remarkable views from inside campus shared spaces, classrooms, laboratories, and offices.
The newly formed team of building service workers (BSWs) will be assigned to the Public Functions/Moving/Window Washing Crew as a part of overall staffing increases to be implemented ahead of the fall semester. Building Services will create the schedule for facilities based on condition assessment and logistical requirements; no work order submissions will be needed. Building occupants and facility managers will be notified before teams arrive. Window washing is one element of a Building Services Transformation Initiative and ongoing service upgrades.
Improving the everyday cleanliness and appearance of facilities is a top priority. The consistent attention will help revitalize spaces regularly used and seen by students, faculty, and staff and make an even better first impression for visitors to the Urbana campus. These efforts will also provide valuable real-time assessments of various deferred maintenance needs and assist with the future upkeep of building envelopes.
Thank you for supporting the Building Services Transformation Initiative and ongoing service upgrades. For questions, contact Varney pvarney@illinois.edu, 217-333-7583.