President’s House and Grounds Upkeep: “Exceptional”

The President of the University of Illinois System appreciates and values F&S work done at the President’s House, even without considering transformation of beech tree to valued milled artifacts. As one would expect with a home of such symbolic and real world value, the President’s House, completed in 1931, is as marvelous as dozens of other iconic campus buildings. Making it a functional living quarters … Continue reading President’s House and Grounds Upkeep: “Exceptional”

Killeen: F&S a ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of U. of I.

The story of the beech tree at the President’s House was driven mostly by the love the Killeen family had for it – from a toddler grandson to President Tim Killeen and his wife Roberta Johnson Killeen. Johnson Killeen has been an avid gardener in her time at the President’s House, and she valued the beauty and size of the tree; in the growing season, … Continue reading Killeen: F&S a ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of U. of I.

Shop Spotlight: Brickmasons Part of History

Over 100 years ago, the Main Library opened with a secret kept behind brick. Now 100 years later, it’s been revealed to the modern public: a time capsule! And the only way in was through ‘caveman stuff’ as brickmason foreperson Eric Quinley said. F&S brickmasons wreck, tear, beat and saw their way through walls like these every day. But the impressive part is the ability … Continue reading Shop Spotlight: Brickmasons Part of History

$51M IBRL Grant Thanks to F&S

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is no novice at securing federal research grants. The campus regularly receives among the most federal money between all research universities from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Energy (DOE), and other federal agencies. And nearly every dollar is for administrating the project or team to accelerate innovation and discovery — they are almost never for ‘capital’ projects … Continue reading $51M IBRL Grant Thanks to F&S

Cleaning Campus Buildings, as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The world is complicated, but thanks to numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 campus facility managers can know exactly what level of cleanliness to expect of building service workers (BSWs) in their public spaces. BSWs clean across all three shifts, day and night, in 223 campus buildings. Pete Varney, director of Transportation & Building Services (TBS), references the five standardized levels established and maintained … Continue reading Cleaning Campus Buildings, as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Visit to ‘Appreciative’ Partner: IGB

Sometimes, you gotta check in on your friends. F&S executive team members accepted an invitation from the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) in part just to visit the facility and understand the importance of their relationship. Specifically, IGB director Gene Robinson and director of operations and facilities Jesse Southern, welcomed F&S representatives and led a tour of laboratories, offices, and basement spaces. … Continue reading Visit to ‘Appreciative’ Partner: IGB

Shop Spotlight: Refrigerant Leftovers Save Money

On campus, if you have an air conditioner or anything with refrigerant in it, F&S refrigeration mechanics recover it by separating it, weighing it, and testing it for purity. And as of recently, they sell it. Kody Egolf, refrigeration mechanic foreperson, attended an ASHRAE convention–the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers–and learned about a buy-back program where companies will pay to take canisters … Continue reading Shop Spotlight: Refrigerant Leftovers Save Money

Shop Spotlight: Roofers’ Safety in the Sun

When you’re serious about safety, you’ll find solutions for everything. Including the sun. Roofers spend their working hours in the open, on top of a building rather than in it. So, when the F&S roofers shop was tasked with tearing off the old and laying the new, foreperson Shane Carr knew he’d have to address sun and heat safety. After all, the roof is 28,600 … Continue reading Shop Spotlight: Roofers’ Safety in the Sun

For the Kids: Pipefitters Aid Childcare

The last thing anyone wants, particular childcare professionals, is a hot room full of anxious kids. Thanks to F&S pipefitters, a summer day with malfunctioning air conditioning didn’t become anything more than a short-term problem. Per rules set by the Illinois Department of Child & Family Services (DCFS), a room cannot go past 85 degrees, without requiring children leave the premises. One hot summer day, … Continue reading For the Kids: Pipefitters Aid Childcare