On Arbor Day, April 29, 2022, F&S staff and grounds experts, along with students and campus leaders, planted a tree!

The University of Illinois is a Tree Campus USA once again, earning the honor from the Arbor Day Foundation for the following:
“To obtain this distinction, your campus has met the five core standards for sustainable campus forestry required by Tree Campus Higher Education, including establishment of a tree advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for your campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance, and the sponsorship of student service learning projects. Your entire campus community should be proud of this sustained commitment to environmental stewardship.”
Arbor Day Foundation

Students and university leaders added a new sugar maple to the grounds just west of Mumford Hall.

F&S is committed to the university’s goal of making a more sustainable landscape. On Arbor Day, students participated in trivia with prizes!