One of the primary and overarching priorities of F&S is to actively support the university’s core missions, which encompass education, research, and outreach. Central to this commitment is the continuous enhancement and upkeep of the facilities and grounds that make up the campus environment.

To ensure that this mission is diligently carried out, F&S leaders maintain a focus on the physical state of the university. They have been routinely embarking on campus-wide visits, engaging directly with the elements that constitute the university landscape.
During these visits, leaders engage in discussions with building managers, striving to gain insights into the maintenance requirements and conditions of various systems and structures.

As these site visits progress, the F&S team gains an in-depth understanding of the nuances and intricacies of each building. They are able to spot potential issues, ranging from minor concerns like water stains on the floors to more significant structural problems such as a damaged roof.
What sets this team apart is the diversity of expertise within its ranks. Comprising specialists in sustainability, building maintenance, transportation, utilities, and energy consumption, the team has a unique ability to analyze every aspect of the facilities.
These tours, beyond their immediate utility in identifying and addressing maintenance needs, also serve as opportunities for team building and camaraderie. By physically visiting the buildings on campus, the team gains a tangible connection to the outcomes of their efforts, seeing firsthand what the results of their work will look like. It’s a chance to witness how past projects have contributed to the betterment of the university’s facilities.
At Siebel
During one of these tours, the team went to the Siebel Center for Computer Science, where the building manager discussed a window that needed repair.
With meticulous attention, the F&S team assessed the situation and determined that immediate action was warranted.
In less than two weeks following this site visit, a dedicated team of roofers was dispatched to Siebel Center. They swiftly implemented a short-term solution to address the window issues, mitigating potential problems and enhancing the overall functionality of the building.
The leadership team’s active involvement in these building tours holds significance. Their direct engagement with the facilities on campus ensures that they remain attuned to the evolving needs and conditions of these structures. In turn, this commitment translates into a more conducive and reliable environment for the university’s core missions of education, research, and outreach.