Shop Spotlight: Cement Finishers, Laborers One Bucket at a Time

Cement finishers used their collective thinking cap to finish a summer job at Fred H. Turner Student Services Building, along with plenty of help from F&S construction laborers. The goal: get cement into the basement through an underground entrance. Mission very possible. Picture a Cement Truck Picture a cement truck. It has that giant spout to spread the viscous compound directly where there’s a street … Continue reading Shop Spotlight: Cement Finishers, Laborers One Bucket at a Time

cement finishers at work

Shop Spotlight: Cement Finishers

We Pour More! F&S crafts & trades finish the job. So when Armory Avenue was dug up to repair underground infrastructure, the cement finishers made it whole again with new pathways. Craig Harris, cement finishers foreperson, believes the team can tackle most projects on campus. The new cement on Armory went a few places: the street and curb, a portion of the sidewalk, and inside … Continue reading Shop Spotlight: Cement Finishers