Abbott Power Plant Welcomes Girl Scouts: 2024 Edition!

Abbott Power Plant generates steam, electricity, and for some local girl scouts, memories from their tour of the one-of-a-kind facility. Associate professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) in the Grainger College of Engineering, Ashlynn Stillwell welcomed dozens to Abbott on a Saturday morning, and introduced the basic science behind the functions of Abbott, and the importance of safety on premises. Stillwell has led the … Continue reading Abbott Power Plant Welcomes Girl Scouts: 2024 Edition!

Notes of Unity with Barry Houser

A man who wears many hats, both figuratively and literally, Barry Houser, the Associate Director of Bands, Director of the Marching Illini, Director of the Fighting Illini Athletic Bands, and Clinical Associate Professor of Music, is the driving force behind the university’s renowned musical ensembles. He shared insights into his multifaceted career and the teamwork that makes it all possible. He emphasizes that the success … Continue reading Notes of Unity with Barry Houser

Incoming: New and Improved Baler

Take a look at how huge this real life WALL-E is. This isn’t some far-off, future alien world though; this is right on campus at the Waste Transfer Station (WTS). F&S is working on integrating a new and improved baler machine that will more safely and efficiently do its work, something that advances the university’s sustainability and zero waste initiatives. The baler is a piece … Continue reading Incoming: New and Improved Baler

Mike Larson, F&S Abbott Power Plant, gives a tour to local girl scouts

Girl Power: Education at Abbott

Local girl scouts came on a Saturday morning to learn about the utility systems operated at Abbott Power Plant. Associate professor in Civil and Electrical Engineering (CEE) in the Grainger College of Engineering, Ashlynn Stillwell helped organize and manage the groups and distributed safety and personal protective equipment (PPE). Stillwell is also the former Central Illinois Girl Scout leader. Kids toured the power plant with … Continue reading Girl Power: Education at Abbott

1901 photo of Davenport Hall.

Two Acres at the Root of University History

Story by Dave Evensen, LASHistoric photo courtesy of the University of Illinois Archives Originally called the Agriculture Building, Davenport Hall helped define the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) and the layout of campus itself. Burrill Inspires Davenport: “This is Illinois…” There are walks in the park and then there are walks that affect the course of university history for the next 128 years, … Continue reading Two Acres at the Root of University History

F&S Insider: Volume 6, Issue 1

Letter from the Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director When you imagine the U of I campus landscape, what do you picture? Many might think of the Main Quad, or perhaps University Housing and internationally renowned athletics facilities. Maybe the Bardeen Quad and its access to the Grainger College of Engineering and the Boneyard Creek brings you memories. The Illini Grove provides an escape from … Continue reading F&S Insider: Volume 6, Issue 1

Campus Connection

Cold winter nights, accumulated snow and ice, overwhelming heat, wind, and rainstorms can bother any pedestrian on the U of I campus. Soon, individuals on north campus will avoid the weather and move between the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Building and the Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory thanks to a new pedestrian bridge. This bridge allows easy passage three stories up, but it will also … Continue reading Campus Connection

F&S Insider SPECIAL EDITION: F&S An Active Partner in Collaborative Research on Campus

As the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and the rest of the world, ramps up to a post-COVID reality, F&S can once again support a campus filled with students, faculty, and staff returning to on-site learning and living. Our mission is to provide and maintain a physical environment, like the Urbana campus’ facilities and grounds, conducive to supporting learning, discovery, engagement, and economic development. Simply put, … Continue reading F&S Insider SPECIAL EDITION: F&S An Active Partner in Collaborative Research on Campus