The CLMP aims to provide detailed objectives to create a campus landscape that fosters an appreciation for the Illinois natural and cultural heritage and protects historic university landscapes.
The CLMP will build on three foundational plans and a heritage of designed landscape campus planning that provide agreed upon direction for the campus landscape. The landscape vision set by the Campus Master Plan; the priorities outlined in the Resilient Landscape Strategy; and the components of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) 2020 that pertain to land and water provide the broad framework for the campus landscape. The CLMP will provide greater specificity for the future actions that will shape landscape aesthetics, functionality, legacy, and best management practices by:
• Contributing to carbon neutrality efforts
• Developing more living-learning laboratory experiences
• Creating outdoor gathering areas
• Enhancing passive recreation
• Managing stormwater and green infrastructure
• Supporting pollinators
• Expanding community health and wellness resources
• Building greater resilience to climate change
Setting Goals
There are 14 goals to the plan:
• Care for historic assets and invest in the existing landscape
• Reflect the indigenous Midwest across all campus landscapes
• Maximize innovation potential within the campus landscape
• Create more opportunities for mental health and well-being areas on campus
• Connect campus to the larger ecological context
• Position the landscape as a living laboratory
• Celebrate the culture, achievements and interests of current and past students
• Create a clear path to landscape investment for the next 50-75 years
• Reinforce the campus brand
• Apply a universal design approach to all campus landscape spaces
• Elevate maintenance capabilities
• Highlight sustainability as a core value of the university landscape
• Become a world leader in rainwater management
• Increase tree canopy across campus
Campus Districts
By committing to a sustainable campus, Illinois will embody resilience as a model landscape in the Midwest and a world leader in campus native landscape expression and honoring rainwater as a valued resource. The Campus Master Plan defines 11 districts across the campus to serve as a framework for planning purposes. The scope of the CLMP is to provide goals and strategies pertaining to the campus landscape as a whole, while utilizing the district framework to provide guidance specific to that district.
• Main Quad
• Engineering Quad
• Urban Town/Gown
• Military Axis
• South Quad
• Urban Campus
• Ikenberry Quad
• Industrial
• Athletics
• Research Park
• Agriculture